My Magic Mirror
Magic Mirror Settings
Code to your Product Page to display the Magic Mirror
Copy and place the code to your product pages (at the desired place).
Replace the PLACE YOUR ITEM_ID HERE! in the code with the id of your product.
Replace the PLACE YOUR ITEM_ID HERE! in the code with the id of your product.
Code to your Product's Administration Page to setup the product
You need to set up the product first by this admin, anyway the Magic Mirror for the product with specified ITEM_ID won't be shown.
Copy and place the code to your product's administration pages to setup the products.
Replace the PLACE YOUR ITEM_ID HERE! in the code with the id of your product. And replace the {product image url} (not required, but optional for faster setup)
Replace the PLACE YOUR ITEM_ID HERE! in the code with the id of your product. And replace the {product image url} (not required, but optional for faster setup)
Preview of Magic Mirror (on example lipstick product):